Foreign Direct Investments: Investitionsprüfgesetz


Jannis Zafeirakos

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

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Switzerland’s inbound FDI limitations are, to date, comparatively few. To protect national interests against foreign entities abusing the influence they gain by means of acquisitions of innovative domestic companies, and with one eye on the latest EU and US developments, motion Rieder (18.3021) calls for the introduction of restrictive FDI control measures. The federal council, albeit against its own position, presented a draft law (Investitionsprüfgesetz, IPG) (May 2022) stipulating clearance by the SECO for the closing of certain FDI transactions. The author examines the IPG-draft, taking into consideration the results of the consultation procedure (Vernehmlassungsverfahren). Particular attention is given to the recourse procedure against negative rulings.